Communities Grant
The ASLA Communities Grant Program provides financial assistance to organizations geographically located within the ASLA California Sierra Chapter boundaries (see boundary map) that are working to promote more vibrant, sustainable, resilient, exciting, and socially beneficial outdoor spaces and programs. Projects / programs must be related to one of six community core benefits including: sustainability, education & research, environmental equality, outdoor recreation, ecosystem health, or public art. A maximum of $1,000 will be awarded each year to the program(s) selected as most aligned with the goals and strategic plans of the Chapter. The Executive Committee of the Chapter will review all applications and rank them based on eligibility, applicability to community core benefits, and long-term benefit to their communities.
Grant Eligibility
Any project/program that meets the following criteria is eligible for the grant:
• Project / Program is located within the Chapter’s geographical region (see boundary map)
• Applying organization has an office or branch within the Chapter’s geographical region
• The project/program falls within one of the community core benefits
• Applying organization has tax-exempt status or is sponsored by such an organization
Award: Award announcements will be made during the Design Awards Ceremony.
California Sierra Boundary Map