Sponsor ASLA Sierra Chapter

ASLA California Sierra Chapter strives to connect our members and contacts with industry leaders through regular communication, cutting-edge programs, and networking events. We appreciate our sponsors and work to provide many benefits to chapter sponsorship. For more information, please email sponsorship@asla-sierra.org.

Our members are active at local, regional, state, and national levels. We support students, emerging professionals, public practitioners, as well as new and established private firms. We have good relationships and networking with allied professionals, including AIA, APA, and ULI. We are connected to the community and consumers through our donated time and projects, many that receive positive publicity in this era of sustainability, community involvement, and aesthetic demand. We are asking you to partner with us to bring value to our members while also gaining exposure to an interested, relevant, and influential audience.

2025 Sponsorship Benefits Descriptions:

Chapter HotSheet: The ASLA Sierra Chapter HotSheet is a bi-monthly membership newsletter that is sent to all members. It is the number one way we communicate with our membership.

Chapter Website: The Chapter website highlights the Chapter’s mission and sponsors. It is a local resource to our members and allied professionals.

2025 End of Year Event: This event gives us the opportunity to celebrate with our members and colleagues, get caught up on past events, and discuss what’s to come for the following year.

Chapter’s Annual Golf Tournament: One of our most well attended events of the year for the ASLA CA Sierra Chapter is the Annual Golf Tourney and as always, we are looking to make it bigger and more fun for all.

Annual Picnic: The Picnic & Sponsorship Appreciation Day is a fun event where the Chapter enjoys a casual, family-oriented event and invites sponsors to come mingle with members, friends, and families!

Chaperoned Emails: For our top 2 tiers of sponsorship, we are providing the opportunity to engage directly with our Chapter members via email in a topic of your choosing (i.e. new products, updates on existing, company events). Reach out to your Sponsor Champion to coordinate.

Educational Event: Join us for an educational event as we gain access to some behind the scenes info at an event in the greater Sacramento region. Platinum sponsor(s) have the opportunity to address attendees for a max of 3 minutes.

Sponsor Hosted Event: As a Platinum Sponsor, we are providing the opportunity to engage with our Chapter members one-on-one at an event of your choosing (i.e. Happy Hours, project tours, sports outtings etc.). Reach out to your Sponsor Champion to coordinate.

UCD Events: Come and meet the future firm decision makers! Invitations to attend UCD’s Professionals Dinner & Welcome Back BBQ. Platinum includes a ticket to attend the Professionals Dinner.

For events not listed above, please reach out to your Sponsorship Champion for individual event sponsorship opportunities.


Download the 2025 Sponsorship Packet!

To provide payment, click here:

Questions about Chapter Sponsorship?